Public transportation and freight deliveries
Réseau Ferré de France
Regional approach of high speed railway service for South-West France (2011-2012)
Federation of french transport and logistic operators
Goods deliveries in Paris (2003-2010)
Région Ile de France
Freight transportation and urban planning (2008)
a large public transportation operator
A scheme for a new tariff’s policy (2008)
City of Paris
Public Private Agreement for best practices in goods deliveries.
Reseau Ferre de France
Regional approach for a new high speed rail track between Bordeaux and the Spanish border (2006)
Our clients
Business association for tourists transportation in Paris
Scheme for buses transportation and parking in Paris (2006)
Paris area authority for waste management
Train or barge transportation of household waste (2004)
Electricity of France (EDF)
Goods deliveries by electric trucks (2003)